Weekly Update: July 26

A huge thank you to the Sauvie Island volunteer fire department, and all the fire fighters and first responders who came to the island yesterday and contained the fire.

Photos from the week:

Every week, my dad comes out to fix things. This week he took a break to fly a kite that he made. I’m hoping this catches on. I’d love to see lots of families fly kites all over the farm.

Every week, my dad comes out to fix things. This week he took a break to fly a kite that he made. I’m hoping this catches on. I’d love to see lots of families fly kites all over the farm.

Tosha’s last day (center), before heading off to college!

Tosha’s last day (center), before heading off to college!

There is always something that needs to be fixed.

There is always something that needs to be fixed.

With the hydraulic line replaced, Luis mans the backhoe, Peter assists with the fork lift, and the old meat trailer is moved to it’s new home.

With the hydraulic line replaced, Luis mans the backhoe, Peter assists with the fork lift, and the old meat trailer is moved to it’s new home.

This week we were able to harvest so many of our own vegetables.

This week we were able to harvest so many of our own vegetables.

Jose proudly showing off how beautiful our bok choy is growing.

Jose proudly showing off how beautiful our bok choy is growing.

Look at our beans!!!

Look at our beans!!!

Hermiston melons arrived this week.

Hermiston melons arrived this week.

I keep promising to build a hitching post for our neighbors, and it keeps getting pushed down the list of things to do.

I keep promising to build a hitching post for our neighbors, and it keeps getting pushed down the list of things to do.

Michael built a grill for our chefs.

Michael built a grill for our chefs.

More equipment to repair.

More equipment to repair.

In addition to the ball bearings, 2 giant cracks.

In addition to the ball bearings, 2 giant cracks.

Christian let us video his process of making food for the market. This week, he harvested some swiss chard, and turned it into pasta.

Christian let us video his process of making food for the market. This week, he harvested some swiss chard, and turned it into pasta.

Here is our first smartphone video of Christian making swiss chard pasta.

Another beautiful Thursday night on the farm. All summer long we will grill every Thursday night from 5-8pm and every Saturday and Sunday from noon to 6pm.

Another beautiful Thursday night on the farm. All summer long we will grill every Thursday night from 5-8pm and every Saturday and Sunday from noon to 6pm.

Another reminder of how amazing the community is out here on the island. This week, AJ from Fazio Farm, gave us one of their older strawberry tillers. When I tried to pay him for it, he asked for a flat of blueberries as payment. This is truly what …

Another reminder of how amazing the community is out here on the island. This week, AJ from Fazio Farm, gave us one of their older strawberry tillers. When I tried to pay him for it, he asked for a flat of blueberries as payment. This is truly what paying it forward looks like. We continue to be supported and helped by so many incredible people that truly love what they do, and try to help others succeed.

The strawberry tiller being loaded into my brother’s trailer.

The strawberry tiller being loaded into my brother’s trailer.

Loading up at Cistus Nursery before our caravan back to the farm.

Loading up at Cistus Nursery before our caravan back to the farm.

So excited to plant these today, with the help of Sean Hogan. He started Cistus Nursery when he was planting the Portland Chinese Garden.

So excited to plant these today, with the help of Sean Hogan. He started Cistus Nursery when he was planting the Portland Chinese Garden.

You never know what you’ll find in Jose’s greenhouse.

You never know what you’ll find in Jose’s greenhouse.

This week, we started adding fans and heaters to one of the greenhouses, and began building another to keep up with the demand for Jose’s Spicy Salad Mix.

This week, we started adding fans and heaters to one of the greenhouses, and began building another to keep up with the demand for Jose’s Spicy Salad Mix.

The last delivery of cherries for the year.

The last delivery of cherries for the year.

July has already grown so much since arriving on the 4th. Love this photo of her cooling off.

July has already grown so much since arriving on the 4th. Love this photo of her cooling off.



Luke weeding the maze.

Luke weeding the maze.

This weekend, we started carrying baguette sandwiches from Chop in St. Johns: Caprese, Muffuletta, Ham + Brie. We sold out by noon on Saturday — next weekend we will quadruple our order. Thanks Paula!

This weekend, we started carrying baguette sandwiches from Chop in St. Johns: Caprese, Muffuletta, Ham + Brie. We sold out by noon on Saturday — next weekend we will quadruple our order. Thanks Paula!

Chef Janelle Ephrem, picking vegetables out of the field an hour before guest arrive for the farm-to-plate dinner (note the tables a hundred feet behind her).

Chef Janelle Ephrem, picking vegetables out of the field an hour before guest arrive for the farm-to-plate dinner (note the tables a hundred feet behind her).

Freshly picked onions to drape over the halibut.

Freshly picked onions to drape over the halibut.

Christian broke in the new grill.

Christian broke in the new grill.

Cooking green and yellow beans with artichokes to accompany the halibut.

Cooking green and yellow beans with artichokes to accompany the halibut.

This photo does not do it justice. Every week Christian and Janelle chose the menu based on what is fresh on the farm.

This photo does not do it justice. Every week Christian and Janelle chose the menu based on what is fresh on the farm.

Guests had to wait for the sun to set and to get the full magic of the hanging candles.

Guests had to wait for the sun to set and to get the full magic of the hanging candles.

Time to meet up with Jim and plant olive trees. Stay cool everybody.



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