Weekly Update: Oct 31

This is going to be a short blog, but I wanted to get the word out that we decided to add more spaces to tonight’s Haunted Hayride & Maze.

Last night was so much fun and another huge learning experience for us. I’d love to post photos, but I don’t want to give away too much and spoil it (look for tons of behind the scenes photos next week). One highlight for me was having a friend ride by as the headless horseperson. If you’re looking for a way to celebrate Halloween tonight, come by (you must reserve in advance, here is the link).

Another highlight was having local musicians DC Malone and Derek Doggett in our Deliverance room.

Tomorrow, Sunday, is our last day our market will be open. Then, fingers crossed, we will finally get to go meet our granddaughter who was born this summer. It has been an incredible first season. We are so grateful for all the support we received. Please come by if you can. All produce will be 50% off. So stock up for the winter.

With much love,
Kat and Jim

Our alpha goat, Blue, showing why we all love him.

Our alpha goat, Blue, showing why we all love him.

We’ve also been busy prepping for winter, digging up our tubers.

We’ve also been busy prepping for winter, digging up our tubers.

Digging up our Glad bulbs.

Digging up our Glad bulbs.

Getting the last of our beets out of the ground.

Getting the last of our beets out of the ground.

And our granddaughter <3

And our granddaughter <3

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